Neural Sky

Neural Sky is a massive networked nodal structure that connects people with it through lightening fast bolts of light. When a person is close to any one of the legs where the network meets the ground an ultrasonic sensor detects the position of this person and shoots lights from that person to another person there … Continue reading

Dark Matter

Infrared sensitive video cameras survey the darkened gallery from 4 angles. These cameras carve up the space into thousands of 3 dimensional zones. A selection of these zones have been attributed sound behaviours. Together, these interactive zones define a complex physical but invisible form in the gallery space. A computer cross-references the data from the … Continue reading

Visual System

Visual System is a group of interactive and installation artists working with LED and fluorescent lighting in combination with human presence as well as architectural schematics. This particular piece was installed in the FIAF gallery in New York City in 2009. The gallery is filled with constructed obstacles and walls that are covered in reactive … Continue reading

Interactive Architecture

Resources Interactive Architecture covers emerging architectural and artistic practices where digital technologies & virtual spaces merge with tangible and physical spatial experiences. An active architecture, sensing, observing, feeling, listening, thinking, reacting, proposing, adapting, learning, even sometimes interacting. It is an architecture in constant flux best suited to prototyping and semi-perminant installations. –

Evolution Environment

Dune 4.0 — Daan Roosegard Dune 4.0 by Daan Roosegaarde is an interactive landscape which physically changes its appearance in accordance to human presence. Placed in the main corridor of Montevideo, Dune 4.0 is composed of hundreds of fibers which react in correspondence to the movements and sounds of the visitors. Daan described this as … Continue reading

The MTA Instrument

“Conductor” by Alexander Chen At, Conductor turns the New York subway system into an interactive string instrument. Using the MTA’s actual subway schedule, the piece begins in realtime by spawning trains which departed in the last minute, then continues accelerating through a 24 hour loop. The visuals are based on Massimo Vignelli’s 1972 diagram. … Continue reading